Thursday, 26 February 2009

राजनीती:: If I ever fight an election!

If I ever fight an election... what would be the election manifesto? Those were the thoughts when I found myself almost entirely unaware and even skeptical of the existence of something called a constitution! All high school education was waste.. I know! :)
To tell you the truth after nursery, I couldn’t really concentrate of what was being taught or it never really caught my imagination nor could the teachers catch (realize) my self-imposed academic emancipation. But as all misdeeds must be accounted for, and so I did have to study the constitutional summary again now while writing this.
Here’s a little excerpt from Wikipedia:
“It declares the Union of India to be a sovereign, democratic republic, assuring its citizens of justice, equality, and liberty; the words "socialist", "secular" and "integrity" were added to the definition in 1976 by constitutional amendment. India celebrates the adoption of the constitution on January 26 each year as Republic Day. It is the longest written constitution of any sovereign nation in the world, containing 395 articles, 12 schedules and 94 amendments, for a total of 117,369 words in the English language version.”
Did you hear that?!!
We have ‘justice’ and ‘equality’ as our guiding principles since more than 60 years! ‘Socialist’ & ‘Integrity’ are too high to touch and ‘Secular’ has a debatable definition.
Generally on the personal front, Secularism in India seems to be more of an idea of appeasement. Secular or not, what the political parties in India generally do, is either pro-Hindu or pro-Muslim. Secular to me is that the state policies should not have any religious alignments whatsoever; any individual should not be discriminated against based on his religious affiliations.
Justice and Equality need not be explained again as the dictionaries more or less concur at the same meanings for them.
[For starters, we have certainly and almost successfully defied equality by following a policy of reservation without a defined end]
The intention is not to bore the readers and induce suicidal tendencies in them. It is in fact, to drive home the point that we have made ample rules and taken enough resolutions. [395 articles alone... Phew!]
There’s a single line agenda which should be suffice:
"I’ll enforce all the guiding principles."

That’s a start. [To be continued…]

1 comment:

Manish Singh said...

I am not sure who said this, i read it in TOI:
Dont exptect too much in Democracy its like a babel.